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Collect more information about your new subscribers without sacrificing sign-up conversion rates

Zero-party data (information that users share with a brand willingly) is becoming increasingly important as data tracking is getting harder each year.

If you’d like to better understand your visitors and learn more about customer preferences and purchase intentions, you should consider collecting zero-party data. It can help you deliver a personalized and improved browsing experience for your customers, and send personalized email marketing campaigns to your subscribers.

But adding more fields to a sign-up form can decrease conversion rates, and you don’t want that. So how to collect zero-party data without decreasing conversion rates? Add an extra question to your thank you page.


Regular thank you page (no zero-party data)

Regular thank you page (no zero-party data)

Personalized thank you page (collecting zero-party data)

Personalized thank you page (collecting zero-party data)

What can you expect?

More than 50% of the subscribers who have filled out the original form will provide further details on the thank you page.

How to set it up?

1. Step: Choose a regular opt-in campaign and fine-tune it to your design


2. Step: Duplicate the thank you page

On the first page of your campaign you asked for personal data. Duplicate the thank you page of your campaign, this way you’ll have a new page where you can ask for more information from your visitors.